The Lord continues to bring His people from the north (ex-Soviet Union). Every Wednesday our humanitarian aid center is open just for new immigrants. Every week we are glad to receive and bless new families. Here is the testimony of a man called Yefim, who came to Israel in April 2015 from Kiev, Ukraine. Few years ago his leg was amputated and for 3 years he was homeless, he lived in the streets of Kiev. Because of your assistance we were able to purchase him a new washing machine and an electrical stove. He was so touched and thanked God for His care for him in the Land He brought him to.
Help and assistance to new immigrants is one of the main ministries. Aliya (Jews coming back to Israel) is increasing. Every week families of new immigrants are coming to our humanitarian aid centers for help and assistance. They receive pots, pillows, mattresses, towels, bed sets and other necessary items to start their life in the Land. Many of them are coming from the war zone of Ukraine not able to bring anything with them. Nahariya: Recently the door was opened to the city of Nahariya. We started to bring new immigrants from Nahariya to our central humanitarian aid center in Karmiel. About 50 families were blessed and we expect more. We are so glad to share God’s love and care to all these people.